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Join Dr Ron Cherubino, co-host Tim Horton and the chiropractic and holistic health specialists of Cherubino Health Center, for an alternative medicine perspective on health and wellness.

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Dec 15, 2007

Free Juicer and Juicing for Life - Ask Dr Ron Show
Dr Ron discusses the Miracle of Natural Enzymes and  the easiest way to get them.

Heart to Heart -- Dr. Ron Cherubino shares from his 25 years of clinical practice in Alternative Medicine and Nutritional Therapies.  He'll show you how to regain your health and take back control of your life. Whether you're looking for specific answers to health related problems, ways to take the mystery out of nutritional supplementation, or the secrets to a long and healthy life, we invite you to join us for an entertaining and informative hour each week on the Ask Dr. Ron Radio Show.