Join Dr Ron Cherubino, co-host Tim Horton and the chiropractic and holistic health specialists of Cherubino Health Center, for an alternative medicine perspective on health and wellness.
(All information contained in these recordings is subject to change without notice. Please visit to find the most up-to-date information including Fees, Services and Disclaimer Policies, or Contact Us directly by email or phone.)
Ask Dr. Ron Radio Show – Dr. Ron Cherubino and cohost Tim
Horton discuss the effects of a condition known as hypervigilance,
which can occur as the result of chronic stress.
About the Podcast
Dr. Ron Cherubino and colleagues tell it like it is and don’t pull any punches. Their on a mission to spread valuable holistic health care information to you the listener through these podcasts and interviews.
Whether you are new to the field of natural, holistic and alternative medicine or an old hand, you’ll find something of value in these free audio podcasts.