Jan 26, 2008
Intestinal Cleansing Overdone? An All Questions Ask Dr Ron Radio Show
Heart to Heart -- Dr. Ron Cherubino shares from his 25 years of clinical practice in Alternative Medicine and Nutritional Therapies. He'll show you how to regain your health and take back control of your life. Whether you're looking for specific answers to health related problems, ways to take the mystery out of nutritional supplementation, or the secrets to a long and healthy life, we invite you to join us for an entertaining and informative hour each week on the Ask Dr. Ron Radio Show.
Thrust into hopelessness,
despair and eventual total disability following an automobile
accident at the age of 19, Ron Cherubino emerged as living proof of
the value of natural health-care.
Read his
Dr. Ron Cherubino has
gone on to become one of the nation's leaders in the natural
health-care movement. Doctor of Alternative
Medicine, Chiropractic Physician, Educator, Pioneer, Clinician,
Researcher and Advocate for the inclusion of
alternative health care methods and techniques in the world medical
system. Dr. Ron challenges each and every person to evaluate the
current paradigm of medical science, pharmacology and traditional
western medical procedures, with an intellectually honest and open